
of what you learn in a lecture is lost within 2 weeks

Get immediate results that last

100 years ago, Dr. Hermann Ebbinghaus discovered the learning curve.  He also discovered that we lose 90% of what we learn in an oral lecture is lost within 2 weeks.

Do you really want to waste all that time and money?

Our workshops use the latest discoveries in neuroscience and cognitive psychology to make certain you and your teams get the highest return on investment from your training budget.

We can tailor our programs so that we address your current needs and give you results you can use immediately.

There is no guessing game or wait and see with our programs.
Our results are immediate and obvious!

High Impact Workshops

Brain Friendly Communication

Brain Friendly Communication

The brain lies, cheats, steals, ignores and is optimized for efficiency not accuracy. Don’t fight biology, align with it.
Presented to US Joint Special Operations Command – perhaps world’s most elite fighting force. Hired by former Chairman of the Joint Chief’s General Hugh Shelton’s Leadership Center.
Approved by the NC Bar, Society for HR Management, Project Management Institute, etc. for continuing education credits.

“I wish I had this just after law school. It would have saved me 10 years of emotional grief!”


Power Presentations in 15 minutes

Power Presentations in 15 minutes

Smart phones killed the lecture. We’ll prove you can still get the results you want in a fraction of the time.
Presented to the NC Project Management Institute, Toastmasters, American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin, Chamber of Commerces, etc.
Approved by the Project Management Institute for continuing education credits.

“an eye-opening kick in the head”



How to Sell an Idea

How to Sell an Idea

What is the value of an idea if you can’t communicate it?
Presented to the TiE – world’s largest entrepreneurial organization, Council for Entrepreneurial Development, Duke Univ., North Carolina State University, etc.
Approved by the Project Management Institute for continuing education credits.

“In the short amount of time teams worked with Sidd, I saw their presentations make a 180 degree turn for the better: memorable, concise, and effective.”


Co-founder at Triangle Innovation Project , Board of Director / Member at Triangle , Interactive Marketing Association Organizer at Startup Weekend

Lost in Translation

Cultural Competence:
Lost in Translation

Globalization means we depend on people from other cultures. How do you get the best out of them?
Presented at the Toastmasters 2012 International Convention, Coca-cola Global HQ, etc.
Approved by Society for HR Management for continuing education credits.

“I never realized that I should do so many things before delivering a speech – even in my own language!“


Geoscientist, ConocoPhillips China, Inc.