The Geek That Can Really Speak

Sidd Chopra is an entrepreneur, veteran IT professional, author, award-winning speaker and the CIO of a medical practice.
In his career, he developed critical systems for the Neurotoxicology Department of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, SAS Institute, the U.S. Army, and several Fortune 100 companies.
He was a finalist in a national public speaking contest and, in 1999, Toastmasters International awarded him the Distinguished Toastmaster Award, its highest award. In 2010, the Project Management Institute (PMI) Global declared him a Subject Matter Expert. He is a founding member of the Indus Entrepreneur (TiE) Carolinas. He served 6 years on a Strategic Advisory Board at N.C. State University and on an advisory board at Wake Technical Community College.
Sidd leverages his knowledge of technology and communication to help safeguard the US workforce from cybercriminals as a volunteer Project Lead with the National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education (NICE). In response to a Presidential Executive Order, NICE was created under the US Department of Commerce’s National Institute of Standards & Technology in cooperation with the US Department of Homeland Security.
In his quest to understand and reinvent the science of presentations, he has worked with over 170 leading scientists, inventors, investors, professional public speakers, top military generals, thought leaders and government officials to develop cutting edge systems to make presentations more efficient, effective and reliable. He has traveled to over 35 countries on six continents.

Here are some highlights:
- “Entertaining and profoundly disturbingly correct” commented a “Father of the Internet” on my talk at the National Institute of Standards & Technology on the communication skills gap in the IT profession.
- Created a presentation prep report for Apple Co-founder, Steve Wozniak
- Created presentations for top professionals including the International President of Toastmasters, former President of GlaxoSmithKline, etc.
- Engaged and introduced 3 federal level CIO’s
- Built virtual reality presentations for top 100 CEO’s conference
- Worked on presentations for 2 billionaires
- Coached the winning team of students in the TiE Young Entrepreneurs Global Business Plan Competition
- Consulted on a $40 million jury trial for a top 25 law firm in the world
- MC’ed a Digital Marketing conference with over 100 speakers.
- Kicked off a successful pitch to JSOC (perhaps the most elite fighting force in the world)
Sometimes life is just crazy:
- At the age of 15, I was one of Apple Computer’s youngest salesmen.
- Stuck in New York City on 9/11 for 9 days, I saw the second plane hit the world trade center and was evacuated from the office.
- I MC’ed an event with a federal CIO when a fire broke out in the room and had to be evacuated. The topic? Crisis Management.
- I was a National Finalist in a public speaking contest despite not having the topic until the day before. A clerical error left me competing against 49 other state champions competitors that were given the topic 30 days before.
- Sent to Army Missile Command with travel orders I didn’t actually have clearance to read.
- Hacked into a university’s computer during a so called “Gifted & Talented” summer camp in the 6th grade.
- Asked to give a statewide televised briefing at a police station at the last minute leaving no time to prepare.
- The worst presentation slot? I had to follow the reigning World Champion of Public Speaking and audience had to decide between my session or eating lunch.
- Presented on the use of technology in presentations at a military base where you could not bring in any technology.
- Interviewed so many judges, justices, attorneys and trial consultants that I have been banned from serving on a jury.
- I have annoyed the President of India by walking down a long super polished marble floor in rubber shoes to meet an Aide-de-Camp in the Presidential Palace.
- As a software developer, I have taught politicians and trial attorneys how to talk to people.